Looking to improve the SEO for your tourism business? This is the third video of our SEO for the tourism industry so you can improve your education of this topic and learn how to do many of these strategies on your own. In this video, we show you how to create an SEO Plan that saves alot of time for you and how to do research keywords for travel and tourism professionals who run hotels, tours, attractions or transportation. Please note that this process is the same regardless of the type of tourism business you run.If you missed my first video and 2nd video in this SEO SERIES you can find them here:
Video 1: The myths about SEO
Video 2: The Missed steps in SEO by knowing these tips it will save you time and effort. If you don’t know me I’m Dorene Wharton – I’m a tourism marketer and strategist and I’ve been a marketer my entire career for over 20 years -in all facets of marketing and I learned SEO from industry leaders, in numerous courses and I keep up to date with all the trends – and apply these skills to my own websites as well as to clients in the tourism industry. In this video, we are going to talk about how you plan SEO on your website, and also how you perform effective Keyword research. I’ll show you a way you can look at your SEO plan for your business beyond just looking at keywords one by one. and SAVE TIME – Then I’ll show you how to do a good keyword research Whether you decide to do SEO yourself or a team member or you hire someone to do it like a freelancer or agency you can never go wrong with understanding how SEO works – because that allows you to ASK the right questions and manage whoever is working on it. You have a lot to do on your business and lots to think about in your marketing so here is a step by step process.
How to build an SEO Plan for Your Business that support tourism keywords
Step 1: Think of your entire business – entire communication plan
Don’t just plan for the next keyword, think of your content you want to share on your website, from key topics, themes, and what you plan to include in your blog posts. Focus on the content -and then key words.
Ask yourself these questions:
-What are the key themes and important topics of your business?
-What are the keywords you would use to describe it?
-Where is your business, what are important tourism aspects of your business?
-Your products and key descriptions?
-What are the popular questions that your guests ask?
– Now capture them in themes and put them on a spreadsheet
In this video I show you how this could look for a bike tours business.
e.g. Bike tours Portugal
Step 2: Analyze your competitors and the market
-Do a competitive review of their tourism keywords- this will save you alot of time and searching and will give you some clues what is working and not working for them.
-What are the topics (and keywords) they are writing on their blogs and pages? How do they rank?
-What are the names they use for their products
Step 3: What trends and themes come up?
What relevant topics and themes are being searched, and what common questions are travelers asking? This will help you come up with travel and tourism keywords and give you relevant topics to include in your blog or on your website pages.
Here are some great tools to help you with this.
-Check Google Search – don’t press send, and see suggested list on bottom of pages
-Answer the Public – put in your business and key terms and it generates a great map of what the key questions travelers ask. I love this tool – yet you are limited to 3 free searches a day
-Check Google Trends for key words/topics and themes that are ‘hot’
-Tripadvisor forum – what are travelers asking about your area?- This is a free tool to see what kind of questions travelers ask. You can search by country, area, city.
–Reddit – Another great tool to see what key trends and topics are out there. Beware you can get lost on Reddit – so search for travel then your area, or your niche and go from there!
Step 4: Capture all this on one spreadsheet
Use one spreadsheet to capture this information. If you would like a copy of this example in the video, hit reply and I’ll send you a copy.
Step 5: How to find Travel and Tourism Keywords Effectively
Watch the video to see the details for doing a keyword search.
Key things to remember: 1. If you find a keyword with good traffic and low competition, it doesn’t mean you are going to rank for it
2. Pay attention to Domain Authority and Page Authority because that can help you understand which keywords you have a better chance to rank for.
3. Secondary words matter – you can also rank for these too, so don’t forget them.
Sure you can use Google keyword planner but I prefer to use Keysearch because it gives me all kinds of information in one place, and its good value for the money. Even with the basic plan, you can do alot with it.
200 Daily Searches & Analysis80 Rank Tracking KeywordsKeyword ResearchYouTube ResearchCompetitive Analysis AccessContent Assistant & More!I pay $17/USD a month – and if you are interested in trying it out — I have a discount code for 20% off if you are interested in trying it out. Here is a link where you can save 20% off your first months membership
Keysearch 20% off code and use the Code KSDISC to save.

Keysearch main SERP page – where to find effective travel and tourism keywords, and if you can rank for them.
I hope this post was useful to you! What tips can you share to find keywords for travel?
For any questions and feedback please hit reply.
To watch all the videos in this series you can find them all there:

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